Weekend trip to Sedona

The last couple of years we have used Black Friday and Thanksgiving weekend to #OptOutside and this year we hit the road to Arizona.

Sedona was our main destination, but we took a slight detour on the way out to stop by the Grand Canyon. No matter how many photos you see of the Grand Caynon, they can never do justice to the massive scale of this place. It’s as if your eyes almost have a difficult time processing what they are seeing and the whole canyon has a bit of a haze as you overlook it.

It was unsurprisingly a crowded day to visit the national park, but we hiked a few miles down along the South Kaibab Trail and the crowds started to thin out.

We spent the rest of the weekend in beautiful Arizona, taking in all the healing crystals and great food we could find.

We hiked out to The Devil’s Bridge for the photo-op and caught sunset in Fay Canyon which was a gem.